Tuesday, July 22, 2008

20080722 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20080722 WSJ, Editor, "The Pakghani Front - Obama's get-tough for Afganistan needs more nuance."
20080722 WSJ, Editor, "Balkan Justice - Karadzic's victims don't need a repeat of the Milosevic case."
20080722 WSJ, Editor, "World Bank Shots on Corruption - Borrowing countries know there's no penalty for misusing bank money."
20080722 WSJ, Paul A. Gigot, "The Fannie Mae Gang - Crony capitalism and its defenders in Congress, the press and Wall Street."
20080722 WSJ, Fouad Ajami, "Lebanon's 'Soldiers of Virtue' - The cedar Revolution wasw no match for Hezbollah."
20080722 WSJ, Collin Levy, "Democrats and Energy: Reality Bites - High oil prices make the green agenda harder to swallow."
20080722 WSJ, David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey, "The ICC's Blow to Peace Hopes in Darfur - Indicting Sudan's president makes a settlement less likely."
20080722 WSJ, Charles Harrington Elster (Business Bookshelf), "Cubicle Conversation: Beware of 'chainsaw consultants' or 'bozo explosions' or attempts at 'brightsizing.'
20080722 WSJ, Notable & Quotable, "Nancy Pelosi, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, on a bill to allow offshore drilling for oil."
20080722 WSJ, Allen Brooks (Readers' Corner), "Singling out speculators is just another way congressmen shirk their responsibility for developing a realistic national energy policy. Scapegoats are easier to target and make for great theater."
20080722 WSJ, Holman W. Jenkins Jr (Business World), "Washington Loves Bank Investors: But will equity markets be willing to cough up again for institutions deemed 'too big to fail'?"
20080722 WSJ, James Taranto (Best of the WEB Today), "'Who's John McCain?' - A name-recognition problem in the orthopedics ward."
20080722 WSJ, Pete du Pont (Political Diary), "The Opposite of Progress - Outside the Box: Congress today is even worse than in '1776.'"

20080722 NYT, Editor, "China's Unreality TV - Apart from China, no one deserves criticism more than the International Olympic Committee, which has indulged Beijing at every turn."
20080722 NYT, Editor, "Poverty's Real Measure - mayor Michael Bloomberg's new formula for measuring poverty should stand as an example to other cities and, ultimately, the federal government."
20080722 NYT, Editor, "T. Boone Pickens Rides the Wind: President Bush should listen to his fellow Texan and longtime political ally that drilling for more oil is not the answer to the nation's energy problems."
20080722 NYT, Verlyn Klinkenborg (Editorial Notebook), "A Secret Society of 30 Million - One Effect of so much social networking is that the language of actual human interaction begins to feel degraded."
20080722 NYT, Mary E. Peters, " End Gridlock on the Runway - The airlines prefer the status quo, which is simply not working. Americans deserve better."
20080722 NYT, Anthony H. Cordesman, "Help the Palistinians Help Us - Unless there are effective Palestinian security forces, Israel will never trust in a Palestinian state or be able to act on the quiet progress being made toward a final settlement."
20080722 NYT, Bob Herbert, "Madness and Shame: When the constraints of the law are unlocked by people at the pinnacle of power, terrible things happen in the real world."
20080722 NYT, David Brooks, "The Culture of Debt: America once had a culture of thrift. But over past decades, that unspoken code has been silently eroded."

20080722 LAT, Editor, "
Sack the plastic bags - A City Council proposal to ban the shopping bags make environmental and political sense."
20080722 LAT, Editor, "V-day in Iraq? - It doesn't matter who's right. If all sides agree on an Iraq drawdown, then claim victory and get out."
20080722 LAT, Editor, "Banning fast food in South L.A. - A proposed ban on new outlets is a reasonable attempt to improve the area's potential."
20080722 LAT, Michael Shermer, "Towards a Type 1 civilization - Along with energy policy, political and economic systems must also evolve."
20080722 LAT, Paul C. Light, "Hit the Rose Garden running - It wouldn't be hubris for both campaigns to begin transition planning now."
20080722 LAT, Jonah Goldberg, "For McCain, the surge is a losing stratgy - Its success in quieting Iraq may make it easier for voters to choose Obama."

1 comment:

Layne said...

Wowie. It's like having our own editorial librarian! Now we need some editorial comment by the compiler of these riches by which we are embarrassed! Welcome to blogdom!