Tuesday, September 16, 2008

20080916 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20080916 NYT, Editor, "Wall Street Casualties"
20080916 NYT, Editor, "Ms. Pelosi's Compromise"
20080916 NYT, Editor, "Family Values"
20080916 NYT, Verlyn Klinkenborg, "David Foster Wallace"
20080916 NYT, David Brooks, "Why Experience Matters"
20080916 NYT, Bob Herbert, "McCain's Radical Agenda"
20080916 NYT, Michael Lewitt, "Wall Street's Next Big Problem"
20080916 NYT, Joanna R. Shelton, ""It's the Economy: at Least in Montana It Is"
20080916 NYT, Tobin Harshaw, ""Feminism's Party Lines"
20080916 NYT, Allison Arieff, "Housing the Universe"

20080916 LAT, Editor, "Squandered chance on budget"
20080916 LAT, Editor, "Hands-off for government"
20080916 LAT, Editor, "Make the rails safer"
20080916 LAT, Jonah Goldberg, "E-mail to Obama: dishonest TV ad, wrong audience"
20080916 LAT, Rick Wartzman, "The Joneses and the Joads"
20080916 LAT, Hugh Pope, "Turkey and Armenia inch forward"

20080916 WSJ, Editor, "Surviving the Panic"
20080916 WSJ, Editor, "The Tort Bar's Comeback"
20080916 WSJ, Editor, "Palin and the 'Experience Canard'"
20080916 WSJ, Jeremy J. Siegel, "The Resilience of American Finance"
20080916 WSJ, David M. Cutler et al., "Why Obama's Health Plan Is Better"
20080916 WSJ, Vincent Reinhart, "Secretary Paulson Makes the Right Call"
20080916 WSJ, D.J. Waldie, "Dynamite and Deadlines"
20080916 WSJ, William McGurn, "The Times They Are A-Changing"
20080916 WSJ, James Taranto, "Obama Needs a Tact Increase"
20080916 WSJ, Holman W. Jenkins Jr., "Your Wallet Still Isn't Safe"
20080916 WSJ, John Fund, "If Biden Commits a Gaffe in the Forest. . ."
20080916 WSJ, Emily Parker, "Chinese Painters Revisit Their Pasts"
20080916 WSJ, International, "Not-Yet-After Mugabe"
20080916 WSJ, International, "Memo to the General Assembly"
20080916 WSJ, International, "Come Together"

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