Wednesday, October 22, 2008

20081021 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081021 NYT, Editor, "Questions About Their Health"
20081021 NYT, Editor, "More Sadness for Appalachia"
20081021 NYT, Editor, "Senator Dodd's Notion of Courtesy"
20081021 NYT, Francis X. Clines, "Regulating the 99-Cent Store"
20081021 NYT, David Brooks, "Patio Man Revisited"
20081021 NYT, Bob Herbert, "The Real Scandal"
20081021 NYT, D.S. Scharfstein + J.C. Stein, "This Bailout Doesn't Pay Dividends"
20081021 NYT, Lawrence Lessig, "Copyright and Politics Don't Mix"
20081021 NYT, Steven Heller, "This Election's Poster Child"
20081021 NYT, Chris Suellentrop, "October Surprise"
20081021 NYT, Caitlin Corrigan, "Growing Pains and Great Expectations"
20081021 NYT, Stanley Fish, "Buttons: The Sequel"

20081021 LAT, Editor, "A lesson about Prop. 8"
20081021 LAT, Editor, "SAG's new act"
20081021 LAT, Editor, "The LAPD's 7,000 victims of neglect"
20081021 LAT, Claire Berlinski, "What the free markets need"
20081021 LAT, Jonah Goldberg, "The media vs. Joe the Plumber"

20081021 WSJ, Editor, "Bernanke Endorses Obama"
20081021 WSJ, William McGurn, "Obama Talks Nonsense"
20081021 WSJ, A. Friedberg + G. Schoenfeld, "The Dangers of a Diminished America"
20081021 WSJ, Editor, "Socking It to Small Business"
20081021 WSJ, Editor, "L'affaire IMF"
20081021 WSJ, Catharine A. MacKinnon, "Obama Is the Way Forward for Women"
20081021 WSJ, Luc Montagnier, "The Next Step to Take in Beating Aids"
20081021 WSJ, Paul H. Rubin, "Get Ready for the New New Deal"
20081021 WSJ, Bret Stephens, "Powell Catches the Beltway Breeze"
20081021 WSJ, James Taranto, "Some Follow-Up, Please"
20081021 WSJ, Arnie Cooper, "A Villiage Built With Bottles"

Monday, October 20, 2008

20081020 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081020 NYT, Editor, "Collateral Damage"
20081020 NYT, Editor, "A War on Janitors"
20081020 NYT, Editor, "2,000 Is Really Enough"
20081020 NYT, Serge Schmemann, "The Case Against and for Mikhail Khodorkovsky"
20081020 NYT, Paul Krugman, "The Real Plumbers of Ohio"
20081020 NYT, William Kristol, "Here the People Rule"
20081020 NYT, Roger Cohen, "Vive La Depression!"
20081020 NYT, Blair Levin, "What Bradley Effect?"
20081020 NYT, Simon Winchester, "Subprime, Pre-Slime"
20081020 NYT, Craig Suellentrop, "The General Goes Public"
20081020 NYT, Michael A. Cohen, "McCain's Fight Song"

20081020 LAT, Editor, "A Christian exodus"
20081020 LAT, Editor, "McCain's old voter-fraud saw"
20081020 LAT, Editor, "Chicago's 'gay friendly' high school idea"
20081020 LAT, Mark Gevisser, "South Africa's fractious ANC"
20081020 LAT, Gregory Rodriguez, "Finding Mexico -- in Detroit"
20081020 LAT, Lionel Beehner, "America's useless terrorism list"
20081019 LAT, Ruben Martinez, "The Promise of Obama"

20081020 WSJ, Editor, "Obama's Carbon Copy"
20081020 WSJ, L. Gordon Crovitz, "Don't Sell Hedge Funds Short"
20081020 WSJ, John P. Avlon, "What Independent Voters Want"
20081020 WSJ, Editor, "Racial Preference on the Ballot"
20081020 WSJ, Editor, "Naft-Plus"
20081020 WSJ, excerpt, "How to Read the Constitution"
20081020 WSJ, Sal Russo, "Tom Bradley Didn't Lose Because of Race"
20081020 WSJ, Mary Anastasia O'Grady, "Obama Is Wrong About Columbia"
20081020 WSJ, James Taranto, "The Politics of Reassurance"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

20081019 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081019 NYT, Editor, "The Bubble Keeps On Deflating"
20081019 NYT, Editor, "Another Invitation to Abuse"
20081019 NYT, Editor, "29th on Infant Mortality"
20081019 NYT, Verlyn Klinkenborg, "Shelter From the Storm"
20081019 NYT, Frank Rich, "He Just Can't Quit W"
20081019 NYT, Maureen Dowd, "After W., Le Deluge"
20081019 NYT, Thomas L. Friedman, "The Great Iceland Meltdown"
20081019 NYT, Nicholas D. Kristof, "The Downturn's Upside"
20081019 NYT, E. Pollack, N. Arvin, I. Majors + K. Brown, "Battlegrounds"
20081019 NYT, Christopher Cox, "Swapping Secrecy for Transparency"
20081019 NYT, Staurt M. Butler, "New Research Both Candidates Should Study"
20081019 NYT, Ezekeil Emanuel, "New Research That Should Inspire the Candidates"
20081019 NYT, Tobin Harshaw, "Cheating the Spread"
20081019 NYT, Allison Arieff, "The Ties That Bind"

20081019 LAT, Editor, "Barack Obama for president"
20081019 LAT, Nicholas Goldberg, "Is McCain 'race-bating'?"
20081019 LAT, Rosa Brooks, "Obama's no troop-hater"
20081019 LAT, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer, "X"
20081019 LAT, Matt Welch, "McCain really is a hero"

20081019 WSJ, Stephen Moore, "Ms. Information"
20081019 WSJ, Brian M. Carney, "Vote early, vote often?"
20081019 WSJ, Blake Dvorak, "McCain's Missed Opportunity"

Saturday, October 18, 2008

20081018 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081018 NYT, Editor, "Last Minute Mischief"
20081018 NYT, Editor, "The College Credit Card Trap"
20081018 NYT, Editor, "Water and What Else?
20081018 NYT, Editor, "The Missing Landmarks Commission"
20081018 NYT, Bob Herbert, "Climbing Down the Ladder"
20081018 NYT, Gail Collins, "Is Anybody Happy?"
20081018 NYT, Charles M. Blow, "Nov. 5, 2008"
20081018 NYT, M. Barr + G. Sperling, "Poor Homeowners, Good Loans"
20081018 NYT, Chris Suellentrop, "For Obama, but Barely"
20081018 NYT, Dick Cavett, "Anger Mismanagement"

20081018 LAT, Editor, "Restoring America's reputation"
20081018 LAT, Editor, "California's deadly power lines"
20081018 LAT, Larry Sand, "Unions shortchange teachers"
20081018 LAT, E. Lane + M. Oreskes, "Financial boom, financial bust: What happened?"
20081018 LAT, Tim Rutten, "LAPD flunks fingerprinting"
20081018 LAT, "Vote-o-rama!"

20081018 WSJ, Brian M. Carney, "Anna Schwartz: Bernanke Is Fighting the Last War"
20081018 WSJ, Scott Gottlieb, "How Obama Would Stifle Drug Innovation"
20081018 WSJ, Joe Queenan, "What We Really Need Is a Skybox Bailout"
20081018 WSJ, Editor, "Another 'Deregulation' Myth"
20081018 WSJ, Editor, "A Pakistan Clarification"
20081018 WSJ, Editor, "The Axis of Moscow"
20081018 WSJ, Charles W. Calomiris, "Most Pundits Are Wrong About the Bubble"
20081018 WSJ, Lisa Murkowski, "How Washington Can Help Alaska Drill"
20081018 WSJ, Adrian Ho, "Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up?"
20081018 WSJ, James Taranto, "Say, It Ain't 'Joe.' So?"

Friday, October 17, 2008

20081017 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081017, NYT, Editor, "The Acorn Story"
20081017, NYT, Editor, "Three Rivals"
20081017, NYT, Editor, "$1,000 for 50 Points"
20081017, NYT, Eduardo Porter, "The Lion, the Bull, and the Bear"
20081017, NYT, Paul Krugman, "Let's Get Fiscal"
20081017, NYT, David Brooks, "Thinking About Obama"
20081017, NYT, Warren E. Buffett, "Buy American. I Am."
20081017, NYT, Bill Barich, "Hunkered Down and Happy"
20081017, NYT, Tobin Hawshaw, "Rove's Conflicting Opinions"
20081017, NYT, Judith Warner, "Adverse Effects"

20081017, LAT, Editor, "Immigration, abortion and the next president"
20081017, LAT, Editor, "No to Measure J in Orange County"
20081017, LAT, Douglas W. Kmiec, "For Obama but against abortion"
20081017, LAT, Joel Stein, "Survival tips for a depression"
20081017, LAT, Ariene Blum, "Did the state kill my cat?
20081017, LAT, D.J. Mitchell + D.M. Abromowitz, "What to do with Fannie and Freddie?"

20081017, WSJ, Matthew Kaminski, "The Axelrod Method"
20081017, WSJ, Lanny J. Davis, "Hillary Made Obama a Better Candidate"
20081017, WSJ, Kimberley A. Strassel, "Sununu Shows How to Fight"
20081017, WSJ, Editor, "A Liberal Supermajority"
20081017, WSJ, Editor, "Obama Makes It Up"
20081017, WSJ, Paul Kennedy, "Weak States and Scofflaws Have No Business on the Security Council"
20081017, WSJ, William Poole, "Treasury Has No Authority to Coerce the Banks"
20081017, WSJ, John Stossel, "We Don't Need Anyone to Run the World"
20081017, WSJ, Peggy Noonan, "Palin's Failin'"
20081017, WSJ, John Fund, "The Acorn Strategy"
20081017, WSJ, Mark Oppenheimer, "For Argument's Sake"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

20081016 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081016 NYT, Editor, "The Final Debate"
20081016 NYT, Editor, "Mr. Mugabe's Latest Betrayal"
20081016 NYT, Editor, "Snooping on Our Own Frontlines"
20081016 NYT, Editor, "Just the Ticket"
20081016 NYT, Gail Collins, "Three Guys and a Table"
20081016 NYT, Roger Cohen, "Presley, Palin, and the Heartland"
20081016 NYT, O'Hagan, Peters, Banville + Kristmannsson, "Meltdown From Across the Atlantic"
20081016 NYT, Tobin Harshaw, "Rove's Conflicting Opinions"
20081016 NYT, D. Brooks + G. Colins, "The Squirrel Vote"
20081016 NYT, Christine Gralow, "It Bears Repeating"
20081016 NYT, Timothy Egan, "The Deal, Sealed?"

20081016 LAT, Editor, "Health and education reform"
20081016 LAT, Editor, "McCain's debatable strategy"
20081016 LAT, Timothy Garton Ash, "Forget 'memory laws'"
20081016 LAT, Rosa Brooks, "Thinking conservatives: MIAs of the GOP"
20081016 LAT, Patt Morrison, "3 no-good propositions"
20081016 LAT, Shawn Hubler, "Of neighbors and presidential debates"

20081016 WSJ, Editor, "Everybody Else Did It"
20081016 WSJ, Sol Stern, "Ayers Is No Educational 'Reformer'"
20081016 WSJ, Karl Rove, "Obama Hasn't Closed the Sale"
20081016 WSJ, Editor, "'Senator Government'"
20081016 WSJ, Editor, "Conservative Canada"
20081016 WSJ, Jason L. Riley, "New York Will Survive Without Bloomberg"
20081016 WSJ, Daniella Pletka, "A Flip-Flopping President Could Cost Us Abroad"
20081016 WSJ, Daniel Henninger, "The Financial Crisis Is McCain's Katrina"
20081016 WSJ, James Taranto, "White Guilt and John McCain"
20081016 WSJ, John Fund, "The Might Acorn"
20081016 WSJ, Tom L. Freudenheim, "Frozen Moments of Life for Contemplation"
20081016 WSJ Asia, Editor, "Taipei Tax Cut"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

20081015 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081015 NYT, Editor, "Downward Spiral"
20081015 NYT, Editor, "Misplaced Blame"
20081015 NYT, Editor, "Where Water Trumps Energy"
20081015 NYT, Verlyn Klinkenborg, "Watching the Numbers and Charting the Losses - of Species"
20081015 NYT, Thomas L. Friedman, "Why How Matters"
20081015 NYT, Maureen Dowd, "Those Hard-Boiled Eggheads"
20081015 NYT, a few writers + thinkers, "Last Call"
20081015 NYT, Lawrence C. Levy, "A Regional Perspective"
20081015 NYT, Chris Suellentrop, "The Sins of the Father"
20081015 NYT, Olivia Judson, "Cancer of the Devil"
20081015 NYT, Doug Glanville, "Nice Guys Finish First"

20081015 LAT, Editor, "A president with an energy plan"
20081015 LAT, Editor, "Paulson's latest economic rescue"
20081015 LAT, Joshua Kendall, "Noah Webster: The definition of Yankee know-how"
20081015 LAT, Anne Stuhldreher, "Pay to learn is working in New York"
20081015 LAT, Tim Rutten, "L.A., land of fire -- always"
20081015 LAT, Constance L. Rice, "'Muslim' shouldn't be a slur"
20081015 LAT, D.J. Mitchell + D.M. Abromowitz, "Who are the villains of the mortgage mess?"

20081015 WSJ, Editor, "'Distasteful' Capital"
20081015 WSJ, THomas Frank, "My Friend Bill Ayers"
20081015 WSJ, Editor, "Schumer of Arabia"
20081015 WSJ, Editor, "Unions v. Workers"
20081015 WSJ, Andy Kessler, "What Paulson Is Trying to Do"
20081015 WSJ, Peter J. Wallison, "Obama Voted 'Present' on Mortgage Reform"
20081015 WSJ, A.S. Blinder + R.G. Hubbard, "Blanket Deposit Insurance Is a Bad Idea"
20081015 WSJ, Holman W. Jenkins Jr., "Uncle Sam, Inc."
20081015 WSJ, James Tananto, "The New Morality"
20081015 WSJ, John Fund, "Notable & Quotable"
20081015 WSJ, Robert Greskovic, "San Francisco's Anniversary Trip"
20081015 WSJ Asia, Stephen Kirchner, "The Wrong Plan for Australia"