Friday, October 10, 2008

20081010 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081010 NYT, Editor, "Building a Better Bailout"
20081010 NYT, Editor, "Fiscal Disaster in California"
20081010 NYT, Editor, "Citizen Terrorists Deleted"
20081010 NYT, Editor, "Where There's Smoke , There's Bloomberg"
20081010 NYT, Paul Krugman, "Moment of Truth"
20081010 NYT, David Brooks, "The Class War Before Palin"
20081010 NYT, Casey B. Mulligan, "An Economy You Can Bank ON"
20081010 NYT, Eric S. Nguyen, "Fight for the Family Home"
20081010 NYT, Steve Heller, "What's in a Web Site?"
20081010 NYT, Tobin Harshaw, "Paying for (Prime) Time"
20081010 NYT, Joseph Santini, "The Language of Respect"
20081010 NYT, Judith Warner, "Diagnosis: Greed"

20081010 LAT, Editor, "No on Measure A"
20081010 LAT, Editor, "Killing Malalai Kakar"
20081010 LAT, Editor, "Yes on Measure B"
20081010 LAT, James E. Moore II, "Weakest Metrolink"
20081010 LAT, Joel Stein, "Still undecided? Then just don't vote"
20081010 LAT, "Click here for a printable list of Times endorsements"

20081010 WSJ, Editor, "Dodd and Countrywide"
20081010 WSJ, Kimberley A. Strassel, "Obama's Magic"
20081010 WSJ, John Steele Gordon, "A Short Banking History of the United States"
20081010 WSJ, Editor, "The Terrorists Next Door"
20081010 WSJ, Editor, "Fear and Leadership"
20081010 WSJ, Editor, "Scoundrel Country - II"
20081010 WSJ, Paul Volcker, "We Have the Tools to Manage the Crisis"
20081010 WSJ, George Soros, "Denmark Offers a Model Mortgage Market"
20081010 WSJ, Walter Lukken, "How to Solve the Derivatives Problem"
20081010 WSJ, Peggy Noonan, "Playing Frisbee on a Precipice"
20081010 WSJ, James Taranto, "More Fact-Check Follies"
20081010 WSJ, John Fund, "A Smelly Acorn"
20081010 WSJ, Megan Basham, "Who Wears the Pants"
20081010 WSJ Asia, P. Ghemawat + T. Hout, "Softening the 'Red Edge'"

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