Saturday, October 18, 2008

20081018 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081018 NYT, Editor, "Last Minute Mischief"
20081018 NYT, Editor, "The College Credit Card Trap"
20081018 NYT, Editor, "Water and What Else?
20081018 NYT, Editor, "The Missing Landmarks Commission"
20081018 NYT, Bob Herbert, "Climbing Down the Ladder"
20081018 NYT, Gail Collins, "Is Anybody Happy?"
20081018 NYT, Charles M. Blow, "Nov. 5, 2008"
20081018 NYT, M. Barr + G. Sperling, "Poor Homeowners, Good Loans"
20081018 NYT, Chris Suellentrop, "For Obama, but Barely"
20081018 NYT, Dick Cavett, "Anger Mismanagement"

20081018 LAT, Editor, "Restoring America's reputation"
20081018 LAT, Editor, "California's deadly power lines"
20081018 LAT, Larry Sand, "Unions shortchange teachers"
20081018 LAT, E. Lane + M. Oreskes, "Financial boom, financial bust: What happened?"
20081018 LAT, Tim Rutten, "LAPD flunks fingerprinting"
20081018 LAT, "Vote-o-rama!"

20081018 WSJ, Brian M. Carney, "Anna Schwartz: Bernanke Is Fighting the Last War"
20081018 WSJ, Scott Gottlieb, "How Obama Would Stifle Drug Innovation"
20081018 WSJ, Joe Queenan, "What We Really Need Is a Skybox Bailout"
20081018 WSJ, Editor, "Another 'Deregulation' Myth"
20081018 WSJ, Editor, "A Pakistan Clarification"
20081018 WSJ, Editor, "The Axis of Moscow"
20081018 WSJ, Charles W. Calomiris, "Most Pundits Are Wrong About the Bubble"
20081018 WSJ, Lisa Murkowski, "How Washington Can Help Alaska Drill"
20081018 WSJ, Adrian Ho, "Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up?"
20081018 WSJ, James Taranto, "Say, It Ain't 'Joe.' So?"

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