Sunday, October 12, 2008

20081012 Newspaper Editorial Comment

20081012 NYT, Editor, "Up and Down the Learning Curve"
20081012 NYT, Editor, "The Rule of Law in Guantanamo"
20081012 NYT, Francis X. Clines, "Getting the Nation's Story Straight"
20081012 NYT, Frank Rich, "The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama"
20081012 NYT, Maureen Dowd, "Are We Rome? Tu Betchus!"
20081012 NYT, Thomas L. Friendan, "The Post-Binge World"
20081012 NYT, Harold Bloom, "Out of Panic, Self-Reliance"
20081012 NYT, Richard Dooling, "The Rise of the Machines"
20081012 NYT, Victor S. Navasky, "Democracy, at 70 Degrees Below Zero"
20081012 NYT, Matthew Kay, "Putting Technology in Its Place"

20081012 LAT, Editor, "The Shadow of Gitmo"
20081012 LAT, Charles E. Grassley, "Using college endowments"
20081012 LAT, Anthony W. Marx, "Defending college endowments"
20081012 LAT, Robert Greene, "Measure by measure"
20081012 LAT, Joel Pett, "Views from abroad"

20081012 WSJ, Holman W. Jenkins Jr., "Restoring Confidency"
20081012 WSJ, Brian M. Carney, "California Pops the Question"
20081012 WSJ, Matthew Kaminski, "Boston Successor Chatter"

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